Solo Parent with 2 Children

Solo Parent with 2 Children


  • Total Yearly Income: $38,000
  • Number of Children: 2

Bernard lost his wife to cancer a year ago. For a full year he stayed home and cared for the two toddlers while they came to terms with things. He now wanted to return to work but really didn’t want his children facing the trauma of a busy day care centre. In addition starting work at 6am most mornings made it impossible to fit in with daycare hours.

A nanny was the perfect answer for Bernard’s family, and his Nurture Nanny was a lot like his own mother – wise, kind and comforting – something the children really needed. Nurture Nannies found Edna who was a perfect match, and assisted her back in to the work force with professional development. They also helped Bernard by ensuring wages, tax and holiday pay were taken care of and the Work and Income and Nurture Resource subsidies made the cost more affordable.