Dual Income Family with 2 Children

Dual Income Family with Two Children

Michelle & Ken

  • Total Yearly Income: $77,500
  • Number of Children: 2

Michelle and Ken live in Dinsdale and both commute to Hamilton CBD each day for work. Josh (age 4) and Juliette (age 2) had some church friends who were cared for by a Nurture Home Based Educator three days a week. Michelle noticed how excited these children were about learning and heard about some of the interesting excursions they had been on.

She checked Nurture out online and found that home based education has lots of advantages for children and can be quite affordable. Nurture seemed to be offering a great service. A quick phone call and testimonials from some people she knew confirmed that Nurture would be a great choice for Josh and Juliette.

Josh and Juliette have been with their nurture home based educator Alana for 6 months and they are having the time of their lives. Alana takes a genuine interest in them and they are getting educational opportunities they would never get in a centre. The country playgroup is their favourite.

On a combined pre-tax income of $1489 per week Michelle and Ken qualify for the Work and Income subsidy plus Josh gets his 20 ECE hours. This makes home based care very affordable for Michelle and Ken.